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Edna Gooch Trudeau

Lucas is 3 and is going to be tall like his parents and Granddaddy Tom. He’s still a no-nap kind of boy, and his newest interest is maps. Grandma’s pride is boundless.

Jane Tucker Broadbooks and John attended a spring conference and stopped in Richmond for barbecue. Jon Karl of Springfield, Ill., left newspapers and is director of communications for the Illinois Association of Realtors. Tucker is in high school. Jane wrote that, after an April house fire, Jo Neal Hendricks was getting things back in order. Molly Bradshaw Clark winters in Florida.

Irene Piscopo Rodgers and Don are well. Irene ran into Edie Weber Staib, who was visiting her children and grandchildren, and looked forward to an October visit from Kay Rowe Hayes, who’s battling Lyme disease.

I read an article about Martha Huffman Wood, an activist with the VEA/NEA-Retired organization for educators, who received the first annual district service award. Instrumental in creating VEA-Retired 20 years ago, she is secretary/treasurer, and has held other posts, including president.

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