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UMW Magazine – Class Notes
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Fredericksburg, VA 22401


Joanne Campbell Close

Karen Larsen Nelson

Hi, Ladies.  Short column this time. You write, we print.

Judy Davidson Creasy and her husband spent a reminiscing vacation in the home they used to own in New Zealand, at invitation from the present owners.

Natalie Robins Lehmann-Haupt had a delightful visit in California with Elaine Freedman Horschman this Spring.

Sandy Poole:   For her 80th birthday,  her spouse, Barb, took her for a 5 day visit to Sandy’s home town, New Orleans,   They both had a wonderful time, especially Barb, who’d never been there.  And Barb, younger, and a recently ordained  Episcopal priest, has been appointed to serve in a church in Easton, MD, not too far away from their home.

Rose Bennett Gilbert sent us this response to her July birthday card:  “I spent a week on Nantucket with family and friends to celebrate. Aesthetics aside, age hath its rewards. I have more experiences and insights to write about, a growing collection of people I cherish, and a lengthening memory bank…in which a favorite deposit is MWC and the important times/friends that date from those halcyon days.”

From Karen:  We enjoyed summer at our resort in the high country with reasonable summer temperatures, and starry nights.  We are now back home and delighted to be active again in our unique church, which is embedded in an assisted living facility, with a full time pastor and several weekly activities. We are almost as old as some of the residents, can relate to them, and they appreciate our service to them.   The highlight of our week is the Memory Cottage service and how much joy it brings the residents and to us.

For those on our regular email correspondence, last winter we challenged you to send us your comments on the following question a friend asked me:  “Why do you want to stay in touch with old ladies you haven’t seen in 50 years, and will probably never see again?”  We had many responses, but the theme of all of them was a continuing fondness for the place and time we shared as young women in transition, and a continuing bond with the old friends and classmates who shared that special time in our lives. There was a theme of acknowledgement of the positive impact MW had on our lives.   MW molded and melded us into women with pride and respect for our college and each other and the fine arts—we had a real sisterhood. MW prepared us as no one could have imagined then: for roles of leadership, sending us out as the vanguard of an expanded role opening for women.  We were on the cusp of women having new value in the workplace and in society. We still  hear the echoes –“All hail dear Alma mater we sing our praise to you, high on Marye’s hilltop”…..you finish it.

Some thoughts from Jody:  I continue to enjoy the mental exercise of genealogical research which involves so much that MW taught us- history, political science, geography,  psychology, sociology, logic, and respect for heritage while the tech-advances we’ve seen since our salad days add to the fun.  One does get used to appreciating very tiny advances at a time however! For Christmas 2017 I gifted the children and grands with the first introductory chapter of our family story.  Am now working on surname-group chapters, so this Christmas they will get another chapter or two-I hope.  After 14 years of partnership, Karen and I still breathlessly and expectantly await news for our next monthly news flash.  We count on your notes and pictures to  spread the word, so that old friends are assured of your well being. We know you value those friendships you made so many years ago. And we know if you can manage it you will join us in Fbg in 2020 for our  60th anniversary.