Great Lives at UMW

The 2014 Chappell Great Lives Series continues with lectures covering a wide range of figures, from Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald to Spartacus. The final program on April 22 features Reeve Lindbergh, daughter of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, who will discuss her parents, based on her family memoir, Under a Wing.

March 27: Titans of the Gilded Age: Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Morgan by historian and biographer H.W. Brands of University of Texas, Austin

April 1: Henry VIII by British historian Jeremy Black of University of Exeter

April 8: Shakespeare by Lois Potter: The Life of William Shakespeare: A Critical Biography

April 10: Spartacus by Barry Strauss of Cornell University: The Spartacus War

April 15: Machiavelli by Miles Unger: Machiavelli: A Biography

April 17 Simon Bolivar by Marie Arana: Bolivar: American Liberator

April 22 Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh by Reeve Lindbergh, daughter of Charles and Anne Lindbergh: Under a Wing: A Memoir

All lectures are open to the public free of charge and begin at 7:30 p.m. in Dodd Auditorium, George Washington Hall. For information, call 540/654-1065540/654-1065 or visit

Coming to Klein Theatre April 10-19: 

Lysistrata: In this play by Aristophanes, the women of Athens and Sparta withhold amorous privileges from their warrior men to force them to negotiate peace. First performed in 411 BCE, the ribald Lysistrata illustrates the timeless battle of the sexes.

For information and tickets, call 540/654-1111540/654-1111 or go to