Associate Professor of Communication Anand Rao, director of the Speaking Center, improved training for its peer consultants. The center is now one of only eight certified in the U.S.
The UMW Speaking Center is one of only eight certified communication centers in the U.S. It received certification from the National Association of Communication Centers in January, joining such institutions as the universities of Pennsylvania, North Carolina at Greensboro, and Southern Mississippi.
The UMW Speaking Center helps students develop and polish oral communication skills, supporting objectives of a liberal arts education and of the UMW Speaking Intensive Program. Consultants are undergraduates trained to provide peer tutoring and consultations. The national certification is based on a review of how tutors and consultants are trained.
“The center’s training program was revamped this past fall and now provides broad support and communication training for new consultants,” said Anand Rao, associate professor of communication and director of the Speaking Center. The center does more than just work on public speaking assignments – the center’s consultants run workshops and classroom presentations on a variety of communication topics, and work with individuals and groups of students on presentations, class discussions, and interviews.
UMW opened the Speaking Center nearly 20 years ago. Now in Combs Hall, it will move to the new Information and Technology Convergence Center this summer. Last year, the center served more than 1,600 students.
Knowing how to communicate is vital in today’s world, Rao said. He has made presentations around the world and, for the past two summers, directed public speaking and debate workshops for high school students at Harvard University.
At UMW, students must take at least two speaking-intensive courses, 100 of which are being taught this semester.
“Strong communication skills,” Rao said, “are essential to succeed in every area of life.”