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UMW Magazine – Class Notes
1301 College Ave.
Fredericksburg, VA 22401


Susannah Godlove

Here I am sitting at a computer in the Handley Regional Library to prepare the Classnotes for 1958.
I am beginning with the article ORGAN AFICIONADA which traces the career of PEGGY KELLEY Reinburg.
Peggy is a Pipe organ expert and she consults on restoring historic organs and building new ones. The article appeared in UMW MAGAZINE FALL/WINTER 2017.
I received a Christmas card from EILEEN BRILLINGER Harrer who has moved to Cheney, WA to near her son. I appreciate cards, phone calls, g-mails and e-mails from classmates as you all have expressed interest. However this year the mail has been limited.
I received a g-mail from MEREDITH BUSBY Frank that PATRICIA SIMMER Bishap had passed away in August, 2017. Sympathy is sent to family members and friends.
The information came too late to make the deadline for the fall/winter UMW Magazine as there are only two issues of the Magazine each year.
SHERRILL MASSIE Judd has now settled down on her farm with Ray, husband, daughter Marian.
She is being kept busy with getting settled, traveling, visited the Massie homestead in Nelson County, recovering from total knee replacement and PT. She sees our sweet mate, DORTHY NEWLIN who is plans to move out of her home and settle some warm.
As for me I fell in September and fractured my hip in 2 places. Only treatment is rest and
Medication for pain… I had a reaction to one of the opiate ( 3 pills.) No more of the stuff. The other one was not bad. I kept a close watch on what I was taking and stopped pain medication used Aleve.it worked check spelling.) I had to stay home September to December before I was allowed to drive.
When you have a minute drop me a note. Take care