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Edna Gooch Trudeau
After our mini-reunion Irene Piscopo Rodgers and her English cousin, Kathy, continued on to Connecticut to visit other cousins. Irene, though retired travels constantly, it seems. Went to St. Louis and Kansas City also this summer.
Mary Massey is busy with house projects Quote -from Mary- “Oh, the joy of home ownership,” She is not thinking retirement community at this point. She is content and enjoying Jack’s and her house. She recently broke her left ankle hiking with her dog, Gigi. She slipped on some mud, it will take eight weeks to heal. She has signed up for a solo adventure- The Road Scholar Program- an elderhostel hiking and naturalist study in Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio in October. She plans a relaxing time. It has been a year since Jack passed and she wrote she was doing fine.
Nancy Gwaltney Gillette and Bill have had some busy times in June and July with weddings, graduations, etc.
Celeste Shipman Kaufman left us in August. Her love for family, friends and golf were outstanding. She volunteered 20 years in a Palliative Care Unit at the Univ. of Alabama in Birmingham. She had five grandchildren and one great grandson. Pug was a very active contributor to our column over the years.
Spoke to Jane Tucker Broadbooks in August. She and John really like Chatham. All continue to do a lot of antiquing and enjoy being with their grandchildren. Jane heard from Molly Bradshaw Clark. She travels a lot. Went to India year before last- this year finds her in Spain. She unfortunately missed a step and broke her hand. Says she is still reading. She has sold her home in Georgia and is in a retirement home in N.C. Her daughter is in Colorado and her son in Greenville so she is constantly on the go.
Phone call for Ann Brooks Coutsoubinas who just returned from as super cruise to Greece.
It is with very great sadness I inform you of the death of my dear son-in-law, Matt, who passed away on June 27th, 2017, of a heart attack at the age of 42. He and Virginia had just celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary two days before and were leaving that weekend for their favorite place, Chincoteague for a family vacation Virginia and Lucas are grief-stricken- a good man- loving husband and fantastic dad. He donated three organs which were happily accepted by three recipients.