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Shannon Eadie Niemeyer
Charlie Gullo, his wife and six year old son recently moved to Hanoi Vietnam from sleepy Huntington, WV. Charlie accepted an once in a lifetime opportunity to be involved in setting up a new University in Hanoi that will include a new medical and nursing school. He writes: As a previous associate dean of medical education, I will assist the new Vinmec University Medical School in designing the medical curriculum. I am currently the director of pre-clinical education here and once the school is up and running in 2020 will transition to a more senior associate dean position in medical education. Hanoi is a very large city with many distinct parts. We are living in Times City, which is a mini city within Hanoi complete with its own malls, apartments, restaurants, hospital (where I work), spas, etc. My son is excited to be here and my wife will be closer to her family in Malaysia.