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Annie Johnston
Carla Villar Walby, RN works at the Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, and manages the Federal Occupational Health Clinic for the agency. She lives in Reston, Virginia with her husband Nathan Walby and 8-year-old son, Elvis. Carla is expecting a daughter in April 2019.
Madelyn Marino sold her NYC apartment and purchased her first house with husband Michael Walker in Glen Rock, New Jersey. Madelyn now walks to the train station instead of the subway, while her husband easily commutes to Ramsey, New Jersey where he teaches high school math. I, Annie Johnston, visited in December to help decorate.
In July 2018, Jacquie Frank Caswell and husband Rory welcomed their third child, Madeline Grace. Big brothers Evan (5) and Colin (3) were thrilled to have a sister.
Stephanie Barb (Scheibe) was promoted to the Head of the Enterprise Unix System Section at the Library of Congress. Stephanie is now in charge of the UNIX Enterprise Systems across the four data centers managing Library of Congress content.
Rev. Dr. Andrew Ward and Ms. Allison Albert of Maytown, Pennsylvania eloped in Sri Lanka in late 2017. She is the CEO of the pet costume company Pet Krewe, and he remains the founder and chairman of the HIV Awareness “iKnow Concert” Series across Uganda & Rwanda. They are returning to East Africa with an all-star lineup including Michael Franti & Vusi in Spring of 2019. Come join the fun! www.iknowconcertseries.org
Teresa Joerger Mannix is now the Senior Assistant Dean for Communications at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, where she has worked for nearly a decade. She recently completed an executive certificate program at Georgetown in leadership and change management. Teresa continues to reside in Gainesville, Virginia, with her husband and two sons.