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UMW Magazine – Class Notes
1301 College Ave.
Fredericksburg, VA 22401


Shandie and Matt Covington

We, Matt Covington and Shandie Hall Covington, are the new class agents for 1995. Our class has been pretty quiet over the last few years, and our in-person reunion was postponed due to the pandemic. Let’s reconnect in preparation for when we can get together! Send us your personal and professional highlights to appear in the next issue of this magazine. 

After meeting in Combs Hall in freshman chemistry, we married a couple of years after graduation and moved to Michigan. We returned to Virginia in 2002 and then moved to New Jersey in 2015 for Shandie’s job. Our daughter is a sophomore at Virginia Tech, despite our hopes of having another Eagle. Our son is a sophomore in high school, so there is still hope! 

Matt is a high school administrator in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and has faced some interesting challenges because of the pandemic. Shandie is executive director of the American Society of Transplantation and is a passionate advocate for organ donation and transplantation. 

We look forward to serving as class agents. Be well in these crazy times!