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Sid Baker Etherington

Suzy Passarello Quenzer

Bernice “Bernie” Fain Svedlow retired from her nursing position in March because her husband, a recent heart transplant patient, was immunosuppressed and her floor had become an all COVID unit. 

Margaret “Peg” Hubbard was disappointed that “The Jefferson 4th West gang” had to cancel its annual mini-reunion in June 2020, as the group had gathered every year since our 35th reunion. But they stay connected on Zoom. 

Peg reports the following: Lisa Tyree Sweeney continues to love the beautiful weather in San Diego. Susan McDonald Osborn ’75 is surrounded by family in Spokane, Washington. Karen Sunnarborg sold her Boston house early in 2020 and now lives in Connecticut. Patti Goodall Strawderman has finally retired from the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services and was waiting for husband Dennis to retire. Jonette deButts Hahn and George love to travel to exotic places. Susan Tyler Maguigan’s eldest daughter, Caitlin, lives in Geneva, Switzerland, with her husband and three children. After the passing of her husband, Nancy Pederson Trzcinski has settled in Elkin, North Carolina, closer to daughter Christine. Deb Ryan Howard lives in Charlottesville with her adorable puppy. And Peg herself is happy to be back in her hometown of Virginia Beach.