Greetings, Fellow Mary Washington Grads

The Alumni Association Board of Directors serves as the voice of the alumni. I would like to extend warm thanks to the incomparable Patti Boise Kemp ’69, who served as president for the past two years. The Board of Visitors, UMW President Richard V. Hurley, and the faculty genuinely care about the alumni perspective. Patti has been our ever-present champion. Mary Washington is a unique place where we spent memorable and rewarding years. As alumni, we all owe part of our intellectual, community, and financial successes to Mary Washington. I am honored to serve as Alumni Association president for the next two years. My hope is to advance three simple goals. First, I urge each of you to attend Mary Washington events organized by the regional networks. Whether a happy hour, a favorite professor delivering remarks, or a yield event to encourage high school students to join our community, these affairs are enjoyable opportunities to see old classmates and make new friends. Get … [Read more...]

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