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Monique Gormont Mobley
Jennifer Davidson was excited to receive her first University of Mary Washington Magazine in 15 years. She’s lived in Cape Town, South Africa, since 2002 and, before that, in Nairobi, Kenya. Jennifer recently earned a master’s degree in landscape architecture from the University of Cape Town.
Russell Berry sells real estate in Texas. He’s director of the Texas Association of Realtors and on the executive committee of Dallas’ MetroTex Association of Realtors and the board of directors for the National Association of Realtors.
Jennifer Seamon Wise and husband Jim work for the Department of Defense, where Jennifer sees Kathleen Goeller Booth and Renee Allen Kuntz. The Wises have children Laura, who was to graduate in May from Mary Baldwin College, and Aaron, who just started college. The family toured Fredericksburg in 2001 while on leave from Germany.
I (Monique Gormont Mobley) still work with ELL students in K-12 in Wisconsin and was recognized as a staff member of the quarter. My husband was finalizing his doctoral dissertation in military history, our daughter was to graduate in May and hopes to teach elementary students, and our son works for the Boy Scouts in the Seattle area.