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Jody Campbell Close

Karen Larsen Nelson

Gaye Roberts Olsen, who was hospitalized in May with blood clots in her lungs, reported that as of October, her lungs were clear and she was off the meds. An amazing recovery!

Gray Schaefer Dodson wrote that her work was featured in an autumn art exhibit at Sweet Briar College, a prestigious honor.

Liz Hill Heaney has completely healed from her summer bout with shingles contracted in spite of having received the vaccine. Nothing stops her and she continued her water aerobics and other activities throughout.   Way to go Liz!

Sue Smith Goodrick sold her house in Wilmington N.C. and has purchased a home in Naperville, IL to be able to live nearer her son. They traded homes for a bit, his family used her new house while his own was being finished and she stayed in Missouri with friends for a lovely interlude before making the final leap to her new nest around the first of the year.

Karen Larsen Nelson and Darrell’s great-grandbaby #8 arrived in September, while we were on an RV trip thru Wyoming and Colorado enjoying autumn leaves and fall weather. We planned a visit to Las Vegas in December to meet her and to visit with other family members there. In Mesa, we enjoyed the winter season, participating in and supporting several activities of our church, which is embedded in an assisted living community with a memory care unit; also taking some round dance workshops and enjoying several short RV camping trips.

Jody Campbell Close is closing in on actually finishing the first section of her family history. She admits to having changed the date on the introductory message annually since 2012, having begun her compilation for this project in 2010. She has had to rewrite the opening “letter” to her grandchildren several times because they kept growing up. Section 1 will introduce them to their heritage as it introduces the earliest immigrants in 12 core families, tracing them in overview for 400 years across 11 states and sets the stage for upcoming sections presenting individual in depth studies on each family line. At least the dog looks attentive when she reads it to him, but young adults with busy lives? That is a different audience. In November she was elected President of the local genealogical society for a 2 year term.