In 1972, it was evident across the country and the campus that the times were changing. By then, “Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia” was authorized to admit men, and “The University” − common parlance in the Old Dominion for the fruit of Thomas Jefferson’s all-male academic vision − had begun to accept women. In July 1972, Mary Washington claimed its independence and became an autonomous liberal arts college looking forward to educating the women and men of a growing urban corridor. That month, Ms. Magazine hit the stands with Gloria Steinem as editor. The feminist and co-founder of the National Women’s Political Caucus came to Fredericksburg that fall to campaign for Sen. George McGovern for president after her preferred candidate, Rep. Shirley Chisholm, lost the Democratic Party nomination to the South Dakotan. McGovern in turn was handily defeated by Richard M. Nixon. Daniel A. Dervin, professor emeritus of English, attended the McGovern rally … [Read more...]