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Nancy McDonald Legat

Cary Jones Carlson writes that she and her husband, Ed, have been retired from the National Park Service for over twenty years. They met at the Grand Canyon where he was a ranger and she was a naturalist; then they worked at Sequoia, Joshua Tree, and Pinnacles National Parks. They retired to Santa Fe and after a dozen years moved to Salida, Colorado, a small, artsy, outdoor town in the Rockies. Cary has become a landscape oil painter. She hikes all summer and skis in winter. She says that sometimes she’s reminded of the fun MWC Outing Club activities (hiking, skiing, canoeing, and caving) that shaped her love of the outdoors. Before and during retirement, she and Ed owned motorcycles and campers for touring all over the country, mostly to national parks. In September 2014 it was wildlife quests in Yellowstone and Grand Tetons.  In early 2015 it was bird watching and beaches along the Texas gulf coast. Unfortunately, now Ed is fighting cancer, so they are traveling a whole new and not chosen road. Cary encourages others from our class who haven’t done so to send in a note with updates.

Yvonne Milspaw writes that she is finally retiring this year after about 42 years of teaching college. She’s looking forward to practicing the three Ns—Novels (reading them), Napping (taking them whenever), and kNitting. She and her husband, Doug Evans, are looking forward to some leisurely travel and quiet visits with their grown children. Yvonne’s new email address is yvonnemilspaw@yahoo.com.

Nancy McDonald Legat and her husband, Dan, celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary in June 2015 and are enjoying so much being retired together. Their three daughters, three sons-in-law, seven grandchildren, grandson-in-law, and two great-grandchildren all live in South Carolina, so they get to spend great times together often.