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Marcy Weatherly Morris

Good news and sad for this edition. First the good: Mim Sollows Wieland has proved once again to be our “Superwoman” as she recovers beautifully from her second hip replacement. She and Earl are finally in their retirement apartment in New Providence, New Jersey, just a short distance from their former home!

Patricia Head Ferguson visited the Easter Islands and was intrigued with the 10-12 foot high gods carved out of lava stone which face out to sea to warn off intruders. Another adventure was through the Panama Canal which she completed last December.

On June 23rd a small group of us, UMW representative Jan Clark, Florence Overly Ridderhof, Juney and I gathered on Campus Drive to dedicate a bench in memory of Dottie. The bronze plaque reads: “In memory of Dorothy Held Gawley, Class Agent Class of 1950 MWC, Dottie thanks for keeping us together.” We briefly honored her service, friendship, and dedication to our class. Carol Bailey Miller was to have joined us, but some health problems led to her being hospitalized and unable to come. Billie Mitchel Hanes was also recovering from health issues and couldn’t join us.

Now the sad: Anne Osborn Cox our dear friend, “Ozzie” passed away on January 26th in Plantation Florida, where she and husband Frank made their home since 1958. Her survivors include Frank, two daughters, three grandsons, and one great grandson, Jacob, whom she welcomed into the world shortly before her passing.

Please send me your news: P.O. Box 1, King George, Virginia 22485. It is so special to hear what’s going on in your lives!