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Sid Baker Etherington

Suzy Passarello Quenzer

Class of 1974, need to hear from you all and hope you are looking through your old MWC stuff for our 2019 reunion, our 45th, never too early to start planning….believe it or not I (Sid Baker Etherington) found some of my old catalogs in one of my parents’ trunks…

Diane “Harvey” Smith reports that she is now a grandmother three times! Twin son Adam is now the parent of twin girls (Ami and Mia), and his brother  Ben is equally as proud about his boy, Bodhi. The cousins were born within 6 months of each other and if all families ever end up in the same place, hopefully the kids will enjoy playing together. Adam just moved back to the San Francisco area and Ben will soon be moving from India to Thailand for a three year gig with the government. Lots of Facetime is in the cards. Diane and her husband Steve visited with Ben’s family in New Delhi this past March and traveled throughout northern India. If you think the traffic in northern VA, LA, or NYC is bad, go to India! It is pure and utter chaos but yet with little drama.

Diane reports that Pat Denton is doing well and happily retired and living in Siler City, NC. Pat bought a turn of the century Queen Anne style house some years ago and has been diligently working through renovations. It is truly an architectural gem now.

Pat, Pam and Diane recently enjoyed a brief “old girls” weekend catching up on news and generally enjoying our brief glimpse of spring in Virginia this year. Pam continues to work and is looking forward to some quality retirement time, hopefully soon.