Class of 2021

By the Numbers:

Move-in day

Aug. 23, 2017


First-time freshmen




65 percent/35 percent


Identify as ethnically diverse

28 percent


From Virginia

88 percent


Number of states represented



Foreign countries represented
include Argentina, Australia, Nepal, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.

Smartphones Rule

Over the summer, incoming first-year students were surveyed about the technology they planned to bring to campus. Most who responded said they would bring two key items – a smartphone and a laptop computer.

Of 729 responses, all but two students said they planned to bring a smartphone. Among them, 82 percent were iPhones and the rest Android and Windows phones.

Laptops? Of 748 respondents, 56 percent planned to bring Windows laptops, 39 percent Macs, and
2 percent Linux or Android laptops. Three percent would bring no laptop.

Desktop computers are decidedly unpopular with freshmen. Of 432 who responded, only 30 students, or 7 percent, planned to bring the relic of an earlier generation.