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Joyce Bristow Wrestler
From Patricia (Pat) Falkenbury Cook: I had total hip replacement a year ago and am doing very well with it. However, my shoulder needs surgery and the elbow of the same arm has spurs growing on it. So, hope to have it all taken care of soon.
My sister, Barbara (Bobbi) Falkenbury Wright lost her husband Feb. 18th – he was 84 years old. She lives in Spartanburg, SC near their daughter and continues to live in a Senior Citizens facility.
Blessings, Pat
From Joyce: Marlene Braun wrote that she enjoyed reading the The University of Mary Washington Magazine, especially the Class Notes with news of members of the Class of ‘57. Her husband Carl is awaiting the doctor’s decisions about further treatments after he has studied newest test results. Marlene is considering a visit to their son who lives in Fort Collins, CO. Her daughter is encouraging her to do this, and offering to provide the care Carl needs while she is away. Daughters are wonderful.
Meredith Townes is now living at Rappahannock Westminister Canterbury, a retirement community, and has placed her home on the market. Since Jack’s death, she has remarried. She has known her new husband, Col. Edward Townes, for over thirty years. He is the cousin of her late husband, and has the same last name. He has a home in Florida, and they plan to become “snow birds”.
In February Jean Durham Busboso took a Road Scholar trip to Key West, Florida. She found it to be “a beautiful place“. She took in the usual “visitor sites”, but her favorite was the Butterfly Conservatory. She is planning to attend another Road Scholar program in September. This one will be held at Oxford, and it will be about World War I.
Cliff and I were in Charlottesville in June for a medical appointment for his back. We were accompanied by son David. (Sons are wonderful too.) Then we had a nice dinner with Jean and Buz Busboso. We did quite a lot of catching up and learned about their new dog Lucy.
We’d like to have more “catching up” for the next Class Notes of ‘57, so send us your news.