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Travis Jones
Carolyn Murray Spencer
From Travis:
Earlier this year, Michelle Tartalio was promoted to partner at Clarkston Consulting, a management and technology consulting firm serving companies in the life sciences, consumer products, and retail industries. She is responsible for marketing and corporate strategy. Husband Dave Befumo and daughters Cece, 9, and Ali, 7, are proud of her accomplishments.
After a three-year term as Fairfax Education Association president, Kevin Hickerson
is back in the classroom teaching English at Chantilly High School. He is on the executive committee of the National Council of Urban Education Associations and represents Virginia on the National Education Association board of directors. He and wife Lauren Legard Hickerson ’04
live in Centreville with daughter Hannah.
Sean Walsh and Dana Allen Walsh ’03 have been married for 17 years and live in Andover, Massachusetts, with children Leighton, 7, and Emerson, 3. Emerson was named for the late Claudia Emerson, poet and UMW professor. Sean is K-12 visual and performing arts coordinator for Andover Public Schools. He has taught English and theater and holds an MFA in creative writing. Dana graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary and has been an ordained minister for nearly 15 years. She is the first female senior pastor of South Church in Andover, a large, progressive United Church of Christ congregation.
State Farm agent Brian Topping has opened a full-service insurance agency in the Oceanview neighborhood of Norfolk, Virginia.
Brandon Robinson was named CEO of the Associated General Contractors of Virginia in July. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in political science, Brandon earned a master’s degree from the Graduate School of Political Management at The George Washington University in 2004.