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Jay Sinha
Daniel Clendenin
Sarah Eckman
From Daniel:
Since 2018, Andrew Greeley has been an account and print production manager for Journey Group, an independent design company. His main client is the United States Postal Service, for whom Journey Group designs the quarterly Philatelic catalog and the seasonal Gift catalog and stamp Yearbook. Andrew and wife Tyler, who married July 13, 2019, welcomed daughter Isla Rose Elizabeth Greeley on June 11, 2020. The couple renovated a house in Charlottesville, Virginia, where Tyler is a physical therapist at Martha Jefferson Hospital.
In 2019, Andrew and Tyler purchased the Monticello Wine Company. Tyler’s parents own Afton Mountain Vineyards, and the Monticello Wine Company is a second label for the wine they produce.
From Jay:
Sarah Sherman and Jacob Schwing ’06 welcomed their second son, Walter Benjamin Schwing, in February 2019. They live in Collingswood, New Jersey, and both Sarah and Jacob teach in public schools outside Philadelphia.