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Betsy Dickinson Surles


Lenny and I celebrated 63 wonderful years of married bliss, and nothing else has changed at home – all floors still filled, with one son and one brother. Our son David got “light” employment finally. My husband Lenny’s partner is ill, so Lenny opened a one-man office on April 16, a necessity. The fast move was horrendous for a pair of 83s. I worked on the computer with him thru the tax extensions until October 15. Now to clean the house!

Joan Collins is contemplating downsizing as she prepares to her Fluvanna County home and move to something smaller. She will be moving into an apartment in Charlottesville this month.  Joan says her cell phone will remain the same, and she will change her address with the Alumni Association. She reports that her health is ‘basically still pretty good’ and she still drives. She asks you to stop by if ever in Charlottesville.

Y’all have a grand Thanksgiving and Christmas. I await your news in 2015!