The Rightful King
Blake Thews ’96
Warren Publishing, fall 2019
The author’s debut novel is a fantasy that should appeal to fans of Game of Thrones. It’s the first book in the Fire and Shadows series.
Other books of note
Practical Steps to Digital Research
Deborah Bradford Stanley-Bloom ’72
ABC-CLIO/Libraries Unlimited, September 2018
High Risk Clients: Evidence-based Assessment
& Clinical Tools to Recognize and Effectively Respond to Mental Health Crises
Paul B. Brasler ’92
Pesi Publishing & Media, August 2019
Leadership: Strategic Thinking, Decision Making, Communication, and Relationship Building
Kathleen Riopelle Roberts ’92 and Ann Martin
ALA Editions, fall 2019
There’s No Manual: Honest and Gory Wisdom About Having a Baby
Beth Newell and Jackie Ann Ruiz ’06, Avery, Feb. 4, 2020